
Microsoft Surface FY21 Q2 revenue hits over $2 billion for the first time

Surface Laptop Go Hero3 Logo Source: Daniel Rubino / Windows Central

What you need to know

  • Surface FY21 Q2 earnings surpassed two billion dollars for the first time.
  • Windows OEM license growth was as well up by 1 percent.
  • Microsoft'due south total revenue last quarter was a massive $43.1 billion.

Microsoft reported its FY21 Q2 earnings today, bringing in a massive $43.1 billion up 17 percent year over twelvemonth from $36.9 billion.

Falling nether More Personal Computing is Microsoft's Surface devices, which for the first time broke $2 billion, a modest increase year over year of three percent.

The results are boosted by holiday sales, where Microsoft has become a chip more aggressive in pricing, often offering discounts on its increasingly extensive Surface offerings.

Microsoft does not suspension out the Surface numbers individually, so it is unclear which device is selling the best. Microsoft launched Surface Pro X (SQ2) and Surface Duo this year along with its existing lineups of Surface Laptop Become, Surface Pro seven, Surface Book three, Surface Go two, and Surface Laptop 3.

Surface Fy21 Q Source: Microsoft

Windows OEM growth was also upward slightly by 1 pct, a mix of declining OEM Pro revenue (down 9 percent) and a significant uptick in OEM not-Pro licenses (up 24 percent).

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella commented on today's earnings:

What we take witnessed over the past twelvemonth is the dawn of a second wave of digital transformation sweeping every company and every industry," said Satya Nadella, chief executive officeholder of Microsoft. "Building their own digital capability is the new currency driving every organization's resilience and growth. Microsoft is powering this shift with the globe'south largest and most comprehensive deject platform.

Xbox likewise did uncommonly well with a massive 51 percent bound in revenue due to loftier demand for Xbox Series X and Series S.

More details near Microsoft's quarterly functioning are due later this afternoon during the earnings telephone call.

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